Are you facing trouble getting your website to show up on the Google search page even after optimizing all the basic SEO strategies? Worry not! We are here to help you identify the reasons and solutions to fix it. Google is the most dominantly used search engine for local searches.

This makes it important to have your business listed with Google Business Profile to get visibility on the search page. However, just having a business profile doesn’t guarantee that your website will show up in top local searches.

To improve the visibility on Google search results, you must optimize your website effectively and identify the reasons behind it. Read along to learn more about the possible reasons for your business to not show up on Google and the solutions to address them.

    1. Your Business Website Isn’t Verified

    Until you verify your business profile on Google Business Profile, the business information provided by you won’t be visible on Google. To show up on Google Maps, your business needs to be verified by Google. Search for your business on Google to check if your business is verified. After verifying your business in GBP, people will be able to find it easily on Maps, allowing your business to grow locally and get higher rankings online.


    • Sign in to your Google Business Profile.
    • Click on “Verify Now” in your listings.

    • Request for your postcard which may take up to 14 days.
    • Once you get your postcard, enter the verification code in your account and click on “Verify”

    2. Inconsistent Business Information Across Platforms

    Inconsistent or incorrect information about your business on online platforms might hinder your ranking on Google search pages. Information such as name, address, phone, and business working hours, should be accurate and up to date every time.


    • Manage and sync your business information across numerous platforms, using online tools such as GoSite, Moz Local, Yext, and Synep.
    • Regularly check your web presence for errors or inconsistent information.

    3. Your Business Website is Newly Launched

    If you are a new business or just launched your business website, the likelihood of your website showing up on local search is low. For a new business, the web presence is naturally limited. Competing with well-established businesses in the area is not an easy task for a newly established business.


    • Call-to-action to promote customers and review your business online.
    • Create backlinks for your website by collaborating with established websites.
    • Keep your Google Business Profile updated.
    • Promote your business by partnering up with small businesses in the local market.

    4. You Might Be Using Wrong Keywords

    Not using the right keywords on your website may hinder your ranking on Google. Keywords play a significant role in ranking your website higher on local Google searches. Using the wrong keywords, or too many keywords affects your business ratings as the user will never be able to find your business in local search.


    • Do proper keyword research and use only the relevant ones.
    • Do not over-stuff keywords into website content.
    • Keep your website data updated.

    5. Your Business Information Is Not Updated

    Not updating your business information in all your online accounts such as Google Business Profile, Social Media platforms, online directories, and review sites on Google, is a major reason for not showing up in local searches.


    • Make sure your Google My Business profile is up to date and accurate, with information about your company’s address, phone number, website URL, and business hours.
    • Update listings on social media, review sites, and other online directories

    6. Too Much Competition In Local Market

    It might be challenging for new or small firms to appear in Google search results in highly competitive local marketplaces, especially when it comes to local SEO services. Newer businesses find it challenging to effectively compete with established businesses with a strong online presence and ample resources, as they frequently dominate search rankings.


    • Highlight the value you offer and set your company apart.
    • Focus on specialised markets and target audiences.
    • Partner with like-minded companies to increase your visibility.

    7. Not Managing Online Reviews

    Online reviews can affect your company’s visibility on Google. Your business may receive lower search ranks if there are negative reviews or no reviews at all, which discourage potential customers from interacting with you.


    • Motivate happy customers to post positive feedback on social media, and Google My Business.
    • Resolve any issues mentioned by consumers in a timely and professional manner in response to all reviews.

    8. You Are Not Optimizing Your Online Content

    Improving your business on Google search results requires optimising your internet content. Poorly optimised blog entries, websites, and other digital media can harm search engine results and organic visitors.


    • Include target keywords in headings, meta tags, and content on your website naturally.
    • Create valuable and high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.

The Bottom Line

Optimizing your business to show up on the local Google searches has become extremely important in the competitive business environment. So if you are worried about your online visibility on Google, you can follow the strategies mentioned above and improve your digital presence. Contact our team at WillShall to learn about our SEO services to help your business appear on top Google searches today!

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