Why Does Your Business
Need a Facebook Ads Agency?

Expertise and Creativity:

Agencies offer access to a diverse skill set including designers and analysts, ensuring high-quality, creative campaigns that make a strong brand impression. Stats prove that year after year, Facebook’s popularity continues to grow at lightning-fast speed.
For example, by the end of 2013, the relatively new platform had around 757 million daily users. As of 2023, Facebook had over 2 billion DAUs. Take advantage of this exponential growth to reach your audience with professional Facebook advertising services.

Adaptability and Speed:

Agencies are adept at quickly adapting to market changes, ensuring efficient campaign management and quick turnaround times. In 2023, Facebook generated nearly $32 billion in revenue.
The company has seen an over 68% increase in its stock value in the last 12 months. Approximately 97.5% of Facebook’s revenue comes from Facebook ads, highlighting the platform’s effectiveness in advertising.

Resourcefulness and Trends:

They leverage their experience across diverse industries to produce effective campaigns, staying ahead of trends and technological advancements. Facebook yields an average of 8 billion daily video views, underscoring the platform’s potential reach and impact.

Time Management and Expertise:

Hiring a Facebook ad agency allows you to focus on core business issues while experts manage and optimise campaigns for better results. Capitalise on all of Facebook’s many features designed specifically for marketers.


Despite initial costs, agencies often provide more affordable solutions compared to hiring in-house marketers, especially considering the expertise and resources they bring.

Facebook Ads Case Study | Beat Cancer

Client Overview:
Organisation: Beat Cancer

Campaign Objectives:

  • Increase awareness of Beat Cancer’s services.
  • Drive traffic to the website for more detailed information.
  • Encourage engagement and support for cancer patients.

Beat Cancer Mission: To provide counselling and support for cancer patients worldwide, focusing on improving nutrition, mental well-being, and immune health. Beat Cancer aims to reduce suffering and enhance long-term survival, offering resources and guidance to improve the quality of life for adults.

If you want same result contact us

Strategy and Execution:
  1. Target Audience Identification:
    • Demographics: Our target audience is Adults aged 25-65, with an interest in health, wellness, and cancer support.
    • Psychographics: We target people who seek information on cancer support, nutrition, mental health, and immune health.
  2. Ad Placements:
    • Facebook Feed: Our primary target is to maximise visibility and engagement, and our Facebook ads experts recommend utilising Facebook feeds for the best results.
    • Instagram Feed and Stories: As a secondary placement, we aim to reach a broader audience. Therefore, we target ads in Instagram Stories and continue to display ads on the Instagram feed for comprehensive coverage.
Results and Impact:

The Facebook advertising campaign for Beat Cancer achieved significant engagement and traffic, with 2,100 clicks and 15,600 impressions over the last 30 days. The strategic targeting and compelling ad creatives effectively resonated with the audience, resulting in a strong average CPC of $1.93.

The increased traffic to Beat Cancer’s website facilitated greater awareness of their counselling and support services, potentially leading to improved quality of life for cancer patients worldwide.


The Facebook advertising campaign for Beat Cancer demonstrates the power of targeted social media marketing in raising awareness and driving meaningful engagement for non-profit organisations. By focusing on the unique needs of cancer patients and providing valuable resources, Beat Cancer successfully connected with a global audience, advancing its mission to reduce suffering and enhance long-term survival for cancer patients.

For more information about our Facebook advertising services and how we can help your organisation achieve its goals, please contact us

Campaign Performance After 30 Days:

Why use WillShall
as Your Facebook Marketing Agency?

Using our Facebook ads agency, you’ll gain numerous benefits.
We help increase your visibility on Google by boosting traffic and generating more leads and revenue for your business.

Reach Your Target Audience

Facebook’s targeting capabilities are unparalleled, allowing you to create precise audience segments based on behaviors, interests, demographics, and more. At our agency, we utilize Saved Audiences, Custom Audiences, and Lookalike Audiences within our Facebook Ads Services to ensure your campaigns reach the right people effectively, maximizing your return on investment.

Enhance Brand Awareness

Effective social media marketing is essential for boosting brand visibility and engaging potential customers. With Facebook Advertising, we focus on achieving both Brand Awareness and Reach objectives. By strategically targeting audiences interested in your brand or product, we ensure that your message reaches a wide audience while fostering meaningful connections.

Increase Website Traffic

Our Facebook Advertising Services help drive high-quality traffic to your website. We achieve this by optimising your landing pages to align with your ad content and target audience interests. Through continuous refinement of content relevance and user experience, we enhance click-through rates and engagement, ultimately directing valuable traffic to your site

Increase Revenue & Leads

Understanding and targeting the right audience segments are crucial for driving conversions and increasing revenue. Our approach includes leveraging Custom Audiences to target users similar to your existing customer base and integrating Facebook Pixel for in-depth analytics. By measuring campaign performance and optimizing based on real-time data insights, we ensure that your Facebook ads generate quality leads and contribute directly to revenue growth. You can use the custom audience to locate similar people and integrate Pixel for in-depth analytics.

Our Facebook Marketing Process


Business Review

We follow a step-by-step approach to Facebook marketing. In the first stage, our Facebook ads expert team conducts an extensive business review. Here, we gather more information on your brand, your goals, and what results you want to achieve. For that, we schedule multiple calls and meetings to learn more about your business!


Setting Up the Goals

In the next stage, you need to set the right goal for the Facebook ad campaign. For instance, the client’s goal might be reaching out to more audiences to let them know the brand exists. In that case, the campaign objective needs to be awareness. Similarly, for sales, you can choose conversion


Choose Audience For Smarter Ad Targeting

After this, audience selection comes into play. Our experts study the business and their products or services to choose the right audience segments. It is recommended to select multiple audience segments to see which one performs better for your brand. That way, picking the best marketing strategies for the Facebook ad becomes easy.


Set up and Manage Ad Budgets

After deciding on the Facebook marketing strategy, it is time to set up the budget. It is vital to understand that brands need to invest in order to get results. Setting up a moderate budget is a good idea. The brands can always scale up after good results start coming.


Ads Creation

In this step, we create Facebook ads that are best suited for your brand. The content needs to be in alignment with the personality, tone, and products of the brand. Posting different types of ad formats is an excellent way to see which ones do better with what audience.


Monitor Ad’s Performance Metrics

Once the ad is posted, we monitor the performance of the ad as part of our Social media marketing service. For that, setting up the right KPIs is necessary. Assessing the performance metrics of the ad can help infer crucial details. After that, our experts make changes if necessary. Daily monitoring aids in catching mistakes quickly


Report on Facebook Ad Performance

In the last stage, we create a detailed report on the Facebook ad performance. We believe in transparency and thus develop reports containing the details of the ad campaign for our clients. Moreover, we also encourage feedback from our clients so that we can make changes accordingly.

Looking for Affordable and Effective Facebook Marketing Packages?

Get in touch with us today to explore our tailored Facebook marketing packages designed to maximise your ROI. Contact us now to find the perfect package for your business!

Our Facebook Marketing
Package includes

Facebook Ads Copywriting

Our Facebook ad expert team offers excellent copywriting services. From us, you will get top-notch content that grabs

Ad Creation & Split Testing

With the best Facebook marketing expert team, we create ads for multiple audience segments. Moreover, we also conduct split testing to see which audience or ads perform better.

Conversion Pixel Creation

As the leading Facebook marketing agency, we integrate Facebook Pixel for our clients. That way, it becomes easier to measure conversions, build audiences and optimize ads whenever necessary.

Audience Creating for Remarketing

Social media marketing on Facebook is vital to increase conversions for a brand. We create the right audience segment for remarketing.

Facebook Ads Packages

Small Business


(per month)

  • Suggested Ad Spend Monthly Up to 10,000 Rs
  • Campaign strategy and Setup
  • Facebook Ads Campaign – 1
  • Audience Research
  • Ad Set – 1
  • Ad Copy – 1
  • Customization of Ad Placements
  • Set Up Audience Targeting
  • Facebook Pixel Setup
  • Remarketing
  • Carousel and Collection Ads
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring
    (2 in a week)
  • A/B Testing of Ad Set
  • Creative & Placement
  • Monthly Reporting

Midsize Businesses


(per month)

  • Suggested Ad Spend Monthly Up to 20,000 Rs
  • Campaign strategy and Setup
  • Facebook Ads Campaign – 2
  • Audience Research
  • Ad Set – 2
  • Ad Copy – 4
  • Customization of Ad Placements
  • Set Up Audience Targeting
  • Facebook Pixel Setup
  • Remarketing
  • Carousel and Collection Ads
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring (3 days in a week)
  • A/B Testing of Ad Set
  • Creative & Placement
  • Weekly Reporting

Enterprise Businesses


(per month)

  • Suggested Ad Spend Monthly Up to 25,000 Rs
  • Campaign strategy and Setup
  • Facebook Ads Campaign – 3
  • Audience Research
  • Ad Set – 6
  • Ad Copy – 12
  • Customization of Ad Placements
  • Set Up Audience Targeting
  • Facebook Pixel Setup
  • Remarketing
  • Carousel & Collection Ads
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring (4 days in a week)
  • A/B Testing of Ad Set
  • Creative & Placement
  • Weekly Reporting

Factors Affecting the
Facebook Ads Campaign Cost

Target Audience

The audience you want to target is a critical parameter in determining the cost of the Facebook ads campaign. Market segmentation plays a vital role in the case of manual bidding. These include age, language, geographical location, advanced connections, interests, and behaviors. Targeting people with specific interests is recommended.

Ads Campaign Objective

The objective of the Facebook ads campaign is a crucial factor in determining the cost. It is mainly due to the funnel stage of the users you want to target. For instance, brand awareness or consideration campaigns cost much less when compared to conversions that lead to purchases or sales.

Ads Bidding Strategy

Facebook offers a wide range of bidding strategies such as lowest cost, highest value, cost cap, manual, and minimum ROAS. If you opt for the manual bidding strategy, you will need to place equivalent or higher bids to get preference over other bidders. As a result, the costs will increase.

Ads Objective

The objective of the ad is a significant factor in determining the cost of the campaign. You need to make sure that the aim of the campaign and ad matches in terms of content and intent. You can rely on the best Facebook marketing company in India to help you out!

How to Choose a Facebook
Ads Agency For Your Business Type?


Understand your own requirements

Firstly, you need to conduct an internal assessment. What is it that you need from the agency? Do you want to increase brand awareness? Or are you more interested in improving sales? When you have a clear goal in mind, choosing the right company becomes easier.


Client testimonials & previous work

After you make a list of potential Facebook ad agencies, you need to go through the reviews. The experiences of previous clients will give you a clear indication of the strategies the company uses and the results they offer. Moreover, you must also assess the previous work of the agency and check if that’s what you want for your business.


Internal Assessment

Begin by conducting an internal assessment. Clarify your goals and objectives for using Facebook ads. This includes determining whether your focus is on enhancing brand awareness or driving sales.


Clear Goals

Once you have a clear understanding of your objectives, selecting the best-suited Facebook marketing company becomes more easy. Communicate these goals clearly to ensure alignment and effectiveness in your advertising strategy.


Look at the pricing

Multiple Facebook ad service providers have different pricing systems. Check out the pricing and if it’s not available on the website, ask for quotes. That way, you can compare who is offering what deliverables at what price rate.


Ask questions

Finding out more about the company you want to hire is a great idea. Set up a call and talk to the experts. Ask vital questions regarding campaigns, strategies, etc. You need to see how they respond. Communication skills along with expertise will help you make the right decision.

Ready to Transform Your Business with Expert Facebook Advertising?

Get in touch with us today to discover how our award-winning Facebook ads agency can help you achieve your goals. Contact us now to start driving real results!

Frequently Asked Questions

Facebook marketing helps business target a broader audience segment for more conversions while uploading high-quality, relevant content to retain existing customers.

The cost of Facebook Advertising varies based on various factors. These include ad copy, images, audience targeting, relevance score, etc.

You need to at least run the Facebook ads for 3-5 days before you can come to a conclusion.

To select the right audience for Facebook ads, you need to have a keener insight into the brand and the products or services it offers.

You can use URL builder to create parameters to track traffic on the website from Facebook Ads.
