Google search algorithm changes throughout the year, so do search engine optimization. Webmasters who want to maintain their rankings, traffic, and possibly more are always looking for new ways to beat the competitors and set new SEO trends.

Here is a list of all the current SEO trends that are ruling the markets in 2019.

Voice Search Rule

The bigger the mobile Internet is growing, the more we are getting away from the old orthodox typing methods. Teaching the computer to understand our speech – this is what the future means. You can search for SEO through voice now.
It is said that by 2020, half of all online traffic will come from voice queries. So, its time to make your website mobile friendly and generate more leads.

Video Optimization

Voice search is not the only SEO trend to take over the Internet; the video is also in the race. Videos are an increasingly popular medium of information, and when used skillfully, they can become a rich source of customer traffic. Although your videos need to be very good to rank on YouTube (any other quality standard is unacceptable there), they won’t be optimized if they are not optimized for carefully selected keywords.Different 2020 projections show that videos will be 75% of all Internet traffic. So, you better advance with the times or be crushed by the competition!

Mobile Priority Index

Last year, Google finally launched the Mobile Priority Index. If you are wondering about how does it work, here it is.
In short, the site is now ranked based on the UX quality they provide on mobile devices. If the site has a mobile version and a desktop version, the index will be added to the mobile version; if there is only a desktop version, its index will be the same as normal. What does this tell us? You need to master mobile SEO! You must have a version of the site for mobile devices, or Google will index the content that you can’t show to mobile users and a lot of traffic will pass by you.

High-Quality Content Development

Content is the king in SEO. High-quality content opens the way to Google’s high rankings. But first of all, we need to understand what kind of content counts in as “high quality.” Once you get the meaning of the content, it actually becomes quite simple. When the users search Google, they want to find something that meets their 100% needs and then find more. When you understand a user’s search intent, you can prepare exactly the same content. The Internet will be dominated by people who are most integrated into the mindset of the audience.

User Data Protection

Online security is a huge deal. Fortunately, the ones in power are taking it seriously. Earlier this year, the European Union enacted the Protection Regulations, which stipulates that the users can better control their private information that is being used on the websites. While it does help to improve the security of user data, there are still many vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious third parties. It is still too early to celebrate!
This year will undoubtedly provide us with more data protection plans and more ways to make our online experience more secure.

Impeccable User Experience

The user experience on the websites can reach or exceed transactions of any size. Therefore, business owners who wish to continue to monetize their websites will do their utmost to ensure a smooth user experience. This means easy to understand, intuitive design, low page load time, and absolutely no technical issues are on the way. The sites give a better impression than any ad. Therefore, never let your most powerful assets damage your reputation.

SEO Blockchain

Blockchain technology helps improve the security of the Internet, which is why it has become more popular recently. Webmasters are looking for ways to integrate it into their websites and benefit from it. Blockchains are also expected to be used for SEO tasks such as verifying backlinks. The exact use of blockchain in SEO is still unclear but enthusiastic webmasters are already conducting their experiments. We can look forward to seeing the fruits of their labor in 2019.

Influencer Marketing

Having a guarantee is always great for you. Especially in the business world where the competition is so fierce, you want people to at least know that you are here to serve them. What skills do the companies use to gain an advantage? There is too much content listed, but the most popular one is to involve influencers in the marketing campaigns. To do this, you need to contact the influencer first. Fortunately, almost everyone uses social media. So, you just need to find a way to get their approval. Do you know that 99% of the influencers spend most of their time on Instagram? Make use of the simplest opportunity to connect with people through influencers.

Rich and in-depth Content

Everyone agrees that the more time users spend on your site, the better. Long content obviously takes more time to consume, which makes it look like an ideal solution. In fact, the size doesn’t matter at all. Or rather, you can’t expect the users to be satisfied with the size alone. However, sites on the Google homepage often have more than 2,000 words. If their secret is not the length of their content, then logically, its the depth and quality. Their content is not only long but also fascinating. Even in 2019, it will still rule the page.

Getting the desired results in a perfect way can be really difficult for us. So, hiring the best possible digital marketing agency with the latest up to date SEO practices is a must. WillShall can help you do the same. With high-quality professional services and trendy means of SEO, your business can never lack with us.



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